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By Janice Duryea
Is obesity your most hated word? The media worldwide and in the US talk about Americans and their obese tendencies. Fast food and junk food has become more of a regular diet, most of them fatty and sometimes unhealthy. A change in lifestyle is imperative to stay clear o f obesity.
The health industry is a billion dollar industry in America, resting on the obesity fears of its people. Most of us are aware of the health problems associated with being fat or obese. Many programs, diets, exercise equipment, memberships to gymnasiums are offered in the market; all of them addressing this issue of obesity and of people bordering in it.
In a time where the obese community was pondering its options for an easy way out of their problem, diet pills surged as their savior. ‘Lose weight fast’. ‘Thirty days to weight loss’. ‘Work your body without ever working out’ and many more. Many see this as their shortcut root to success in weight loss and jump the bandwagon almost instantly. Do we ever question ourselves if it is good for us? Will it work? Are there any side effects? Is it a healthy practice to adopt? Etc. While some of them are good and useful many such diet pills come with side effects to the body causing health problems and sometimes even death.
How is one to understand if a particular diet pill is good for them? The best option would be to seek the help of a physician.
You could buy these diet bills on a self reference across the counter. These are pills that need not be prescribed by a doctor and a person could self-refer themselves and buy them from any pharmacy. They are FDA tested before being floated in the market for consumption. These pills are also available as herbal supplements. They are meant to be natural products and are checked by FDA before coming into the market. And then there is this other type of pill which is prescribed by a doctor and regulated tightly by FDA.
Available in so many different forms, diet pills may not work for everyone. These pills have varying chemical compositions and reacts differently on each individual, sometimes causing harmful side effects like increase in blood pressure, diarrhea, cramps in the stomach, increate in body heat etc. There is even this risk of heart stroke or an attack.
A safe and better way to healthy living is by exercising and eating right. Diet pills, even the so called herbal ones, can be very harmful to the body. There is truly no shortcut to success. Choose a good exercise regime coupled with other techniques discussed with you earlier and add some sensible eating habits to your lifestyles. You are on your way to losing weight without harming yourself.
Do you know how much calorie does your body need daily? It is important to know three things – Your daily calories needs, the energy you spend every day and your targeted weight loss.
A pound of fat has 3500 calories. This means, to shed a pound of your weight you need to burn 3500 calories and remember the food you eat keeps adding to your calories. This only goes to say that you actually need to burn more calories than you take every day.
Loosing 500 calories in addition to burning all the calories from your daily food intake leads to a fat loss of one pound a week. It may not be healthy to lose more than one or two pounds a week and to cut out food intake altogether is impossible or too dangerous.
Consult a physician before you work out your calorie intake program.
Daily Calories = (Base Metabolic Rate x Activity Multiplier) – Daily Calorie Deficit which is equivalent to Daily Calories = TDEE (Total daily energy expenditure) – Daily Calorie Deficit with Your TDEE being equal to BMR x Activity Multiplier.
To lose a pound in a week, calculate your total daily energy expenditure in calories and eat 500 calories lesser every day your TDEE being your actual calorie needs. If your aim is to lose 2 pounds a week, simply eat 1000 calories less than your daily requirement.
By shedding one or two pounds a week you begin to lose muscle and your BMR is slowed down. While you shed fat this way and tone up your muscles, it becomes increasingly harder to lose weight. So eat right and include nutritious diet plan to maximize muscle gain and lose more fat.
Counting calorie is good for at loss. Shifting your calories is a great way to maintaining the lost fat after your complete your diet program through calorie counting and achieve the desired results. Vary your calories intake during the day by shifting food and this helps in keeping your metabolic rate from slowing down. As you keep the body guessing, you continue staying fit.
Bye then from me till I see you in another session. Keep counting your calories to good health.
About the Author: Janice Duryea is a nutition expert and writer for several online weight loss portals. To learn more about the hottest diet trends like Super Slim Diet Pills and Meizitang Slimming Capsule or Bodybuilding products like Gaspari Myofusion Protein, go to Netnutri.com for more information.
Source: isnare.com
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