Iceland and United Kingdom in diplomatic dispute over financial crisis

Saturday, October 11, 2008 Relations between Iceland and the United Kingdom are deteriorating after the two nations fell out over the current financial crisis. When Iceland nationalised first Landsbanki and then Kaupthing Bank the Financial Services Authority only took on domestic assets, leaving British customers with subsidiary banks out of pocket. While Britain feels Iceland … Read more

Iceland and United Kingdom in diplomatic dispute over financial crisis

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Canadian law proposes to ban spitting, swearing and urinating in public

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 A new law that proposes no spitting, swearing, or urinating in public passed its second reading in Calgary. Calgary City Council is expected to pass it into law later this year. Fines would range from $50 for carrying a visible knife or standing on public benches and $300 for urinating or … Read more

Canadian law proposes to ban spitting, swearing and urinating in public

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Gaza Strip suffers harsh economic collapse: UN

Friday, September 5, 2014 The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) reported harsh economic collapse in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, calling for its reconstruction. In a statement to the press, the organizations said that the data included in the report doesn’t take into consideration the outcomes of the recent conflict with Israel. … Read more

Gaza Strip suffers harsh economic collapse: UN

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Norwegian government considers prosecuting Scientology

Sunday, May 31, 2009 The Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services is considering prosecuting and banning some Scientology practices, in particular the use of the Scientology personality test to sell courses. State Secretary Rigmor Aasrud said that the activities in question might be prosecuted as fraud or as violations of existing healthcare regulations. A … Read more

Norwegian government considers prosecuting Scientology

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Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch to be auctioned off

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 Neverland Valley Ranch, owned by Michael Jackson, is to be sold at auction on March 19, 2008, unless Jackson pays over US$24 million. Financial Title Company, the trustee of his Santa Barbara County, California, home and amusement park, has foreclosed on the property. They notified Jackson of the foreclosure and sale … Read more

Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch to be auctioned off

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U.S., Mexico and U.K. top medalists at RoboGames 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 The 6th annual RoboGames, a robot competition that takes place in the United States, was held this month with 403 robots from 18 different parts of the globe competing in the categories of combat, sumo, robo-one/androids, open, hockey, art bots and junior league. This year’s medals went to the United States, … Read more

U.S., Mexico and U.K. top medalists at RoboGames 2009

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