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Making potpourri
Ryan Primrose
There is a way for you to feel like a 5-star hotel guest in your own home – by making your own potpourri sachets for your clothing drawers, bathrooms cabinets and even your kitchen pantry or coffee tables.
Potpourri is a selection of dried flowers, which is sometimes tied within a calico sack to provide a pleasantly scented sachet for your home, office or car. Potpourri is derived from the French word for “stew” and is put together by mixing dried flower particles and oils of your choice. Common potpourri ingredients include: — Jasmine oil — Jasmine petals — Rosehip oil — Lemon myrtle — Dried lavender — Cinnamon sticks — Vanilla beans — Cedar shavings — Rose petals Potpourri often also contains synthetic flowers soaked in different perfumes and oils. To make your own potpourri, chose a selection of your favourite flower particles, petals and stems, and match this with your favourite oils – aromatherapy oils are also sometimes used. If you wish to create a potpourri sachet or drawer liner, cut small squares of calico material and buy some coloured ribbon. Pour small amounts of your potpourri mixture onto the calico and tie with the ribbon. Place the sachets in your clothing drawers or your car glove box, for a subtle wafting aroma. When opting to use potpourri as a table centrepiece, choose a flat vase or bowl and fill it with your favourite mixture of flower particles and oils. Leave the mixture to sit outside overnight so that the strongest fragrance can settle. Then bring the arrangement inside to take its place at the dining table, coffee table or within your entrance hall. If you have any flower or plant allergies be sure not to include the particular flower or oil in your potpourri mixture. Potpourri sachets can make wonderful Christmas and birthday presents or stocking stuffers. Children also like choosing their own potpourri mixtures and making sachets for friends.
Article supplied by Flowers for Everyone (
flowers Sydney
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for all occasions to destinations Australia wide.
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Making potpourri